Water Quality
Lake Assessments
Here at the Soil and Water Conservation District, it is no surprise that water quality is important to us and a large driver of our work! With over 1,000 lakes and many miles of rivers and streams, a large part of our mission statement is to protect and conserve water quality in Otter Tail County. In 2012, the EOT SWCD evaluated 63 lakes to get an understanding of water quality trends, as well as guide our future water planning.
After these lakes were assessed several lake associations met in 2013 to review the results and create action plans. These action plans were based on what the lake associations thought was achievable and what their priorities are. If you'd like to see an example look no further.
Information was gathered in the 10-15 years previous to this report by volunteer lake monitors, mainly working with the Otter Tail County Coalition of Lake Associations. These volunteers gathered data on lake transparency, phosphorus, and chlorophyll a in an effort to track the health and productivity of our area lakes.
Click on the button below to find information on the lakes studied. For more specific data on a certain lake, contact the SWCD.

Abandoned Well Sealing
The EOT SWCD has limited cost share dollars available for sealing abandoned wells in East Otter Tail County. The SWCD can share the cost of sealing an abandoned well, as long as the landowner contracts with a state-licensed well sealing contractor to perform all work. All work must be done in accordance with the Minnesota Well Code, including the filing of a sealed well record with the Minnesota Department of Health. Upon completion of all the required documents to the SWCD, reimbursement to the property owner will be made as long as a contract was signed and approved at a prior SWCD Board Meeting. Applicants who seal wells prior to receiving a signed contract from the SWCD will lose their eligibility for cost share.
Owners of the privately owned abandoned well can apply for up to 75% cost share of the total cost of sealing the well, not to exceed $750.00 per well.
Stop by the office to get an application.