Laws & Regulations
Minnesota Buffer Law
The Minnesota Buffer Law requires producers to:
- Maintain 50 feet of perennial vegetation on land along any public water (rivers, lakes, streams)
- Maintain 16.5 feet of perennial vegetation along any public ditch
You can find out if your property needs a buffer on this map.
Currently, there is a 95.5% compliance rate across the state. Thank you to our farmers in East Otter Tail County who have been proactive about installing their buffers!
The EOT SWCD is available for any technical assistance, as well as to answer any questions you may have about the Buffer Law.
TO VIEW THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY MONITORING PLAN, CLICK HERE. All parcels in the county will be reviewed every three years, and will include random spot checks.

Wetland Conservation Act
The Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) is a Minnesota Law that prevents the filling, drainage, or excavation of designated wetlands. Anyone thinking of building in a wetland must attempt to avoid the impact, minimize the impact, and/or replace any impacted area with another wetland of at least equal function and value. The WCA is admisinstered by the SWCD with enforcement provided by the Minnesota DNR.
The staff at the Soil & Water Conservation District can help you determine if you have a wetland covered by this law.
We always recommend discussing any questions you may have before starting a project. Penalties for violating this law can be expensive.