East Otter Tail SWCD - Blog
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Clean, Drain, and Dispose to Protect Minnesota Waters
August 7, 2023 by Alyson Levig
With roughly 11,842 lakes in the state, it’s no wonder Minnesotans spend a lot of their summer free time out on the water. Because of this, individuals have easily and unknowingly spread aquatic invasive species (AIS) when moving their boats and other water-related equipment around to different waterbodies, leading to eight percent of Minnesota’s water becoming impaired with aquatic invasive species.
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Spotted Knapweed
August 1, 2023 by Liz Wiese
If you’re driving around Otter Tail County these bright summer days, it’s very likely that you’ll notice some patches of airy purple flowers with greyish-green leaves growing in road ditches and fields. Blooming June through August, spotted knapweed is especially noticeable this time of year. And because it likes our sandy soils, it is pretty well-spread throughout Otter Tail County.
Read MoreMN Ag Water Quality Certified Farm is Growing for the Community
June 12, 2023 by MAWQCP
Underneath a canopy of aged hardwoods north of Crosby lies 10.5 acres of land dedicated to growing fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms for the local community. The operation is run by Derrick Justin, who recently became water quality certified through the Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP), on May 4, 2023. The program itself is voluntary and certifies producers using conservation-minded practices to protect water quality.
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Teiken Farm Earns Water Quality Stewardship Certification
May 23, 2023 by MAWQCP
Jason Teiken joins the rising number of producers becoming certified as stewards of water quality through the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) - a voluntary opportunity that certifies farmers taking the lead in implementing conservation-minded practices to protect water quality.
Read MoreKeranen Pasture-Based Farm Earns Water Quality Certification
May 19, 2023 by MAWQCP
Bob Keranen’s grass-fed cattle farm joins the rising number of producers becoming certified as stewards of water quality through the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) - a voluntary opportunity that certifies farmers taking the lead in implementing conservation-minded practices to protect water quality. Keranen’s 320 acres of pastureland achieved water quality certification in April of 2022, accompanying over 1,300 producers in Minnesota farming more than 950,000 certified acres within the program.
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