MASWCD Teacher of the Year

November 4, 2021 by Kristi Rorah
Rondi Ulmer, eighth grade science teacher at Prairie Wind Middle School, has been selected for the 2021 Teacher of The Year Award by the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD). Each year the MASWCD selects an outstanding teacher who actively engages students in the betterment of natural resources in partnership with local Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Mrs. Ulmer was nominated by the East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). Mrs. Ulmer will be honored at the MASWCD state convention in December.
The East Otter Tail SWCD chose to nominate Mrs. Ulmer for her many years of dedication to local conservation issues in her classroom and cooperation with the SWCD and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). Mrs. Ulmer has worked with the SWCD and MDA for many years for her groundwater unit. Each year students are asked to bring in a groundwater (well) sample to be tested for nitrates. Students also record well location and other data for each water sample. The East Otter Tail SWCD staff make a presentation to each class and provide the testing equipment and assist students in testing their samples. Testing results are shared with the MDA for mapping and monitoring of groundwater issues.
This school year will be Ms. Ulmer’s last year in the classroom and the East Otter Tail SWCD wants to thank her for her many years of working with both MDA and the East Otter Tail SWCD and her dedication to teaching conservation topics.
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