What's happening at East Otter Tail SWCD

East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District Named SWCD of the Year
December 30, 2024 by Alyson Levig
Official press release:
The East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) was named SWCD of the Year at the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation District’s (MASWCD) annual two-day convention held in Bloomington, Minnesota, in early December.

Sedlachek Family Farms Achieve Water Quality Certification
April 13, 2023 by Alyson Levig
East Otter Tail and Wadena SWCD staff assist farmers with becoming Water Quality Certified.
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Not "Wild" About Wild Rice?
September 1, 2020 by Annette Drewes, Clean Water Specialist, MN DNR
Lakeshore owners in recent years are finding new ‘weeds’ growing near their docks. Wild rice, a native grass that grows in shallow lake and river areas has re-emerged in locations where some say it hasn’t been seen in years. For some people that is cause for celebration, for others, a headache.
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Weather Station Collaboration with NDAWN
July 15, 2020 by EOT SWCD
It is a well-established fact that weather is the most influential and impactful variable in water and nutrient management decision making. In an effort to bring more local weather information to our producers, the EOT SWCD installed its first weather station in Perham in the early 90's. This station brought hourly data to the fingertips of our producers and helped guide management decisions that were profitable for the producer and better for the environment. The only problem? This was one weather station in a county that encompasses over 2,000 square miles, and as we all well know, weather can be different right across the road!
Read MoreArlin Wanderi Farms now Water Quality Certified
July 6, 2020 by MAWQCP
Congratulations to Arlin Wanderi! His farms are now Water Quality Certified in Minnesota’s Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP).
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Winkelman Farm Achieves Water Quality Certification
June 23, 2020 by MAWQCP
Babe Winkelman’s name is often recognized for his hunting and fishing adventures. Now the Winkelman Farm is being recognized for achieving Water Quality Certification in Minnesota’s Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP). And Babe Winkelman is the first to say that all of the conservation stewardship efforts on their farm have been a ‘family project’.
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The Ideal Lawn
April 14, 2020 by EOT SWCD
Many lakeshore owners picture their ideal yard being lush, green, mowed grass straight down to the edge of the rip rap right along the lake. Maximum lawn equals maximum enjoyment, right? Well, we at the SWCD are here to challenge your idea of a perfect lake lawn (a little challenge is good in life, right?)! There are a lot of benefits to having a nice, mowed lawn straight to the lake: lots of room for activities for one, and the best unobstructed view of the lake, and the approval of your neighbors whose lawn rivals that of the white house (how do they do that?). But we want to take a look at some of the negative consequences of having a mowed lawn that stretches to the lake, as well as some of the benefits of planting native grasses and flowers along the shoreline (what else did you expect from us, this is our job!).
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Ag Weather Network: A Tool for All
April 6, 2020 by EOT SWCD
Do you live in Central Minnesota? Do you like having access to accurate up-to-date weather? If so, the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) is for you. Yes, we know it says North Dakota, but it serves data for central and northwestern Minnesota. There are 12 stations located throughout the central region including: Becker, Hubbard, Otter Tail, Wadena, Pope, Todd, Morrison, Benton and Sherburne counties. Weather stations in our area include Perham, Parkers Prairie, Ottertail, Wadena, and Staples.
Read MorePlanting Trees for Wildlife
April 2, 2020 by EOT SWCD
One question I get asked by landowners every winter and spring is “I would like to make my property better for deer, which trees should I plant?” It seems like a simple question to answer, but there are several factors you need to consider when planting trees for deer, turkeys, or even grouse. While one tree might work for your neighbor or you read how well one tree was is in a magazine, that does not necessarily mean it will be productive on your property.
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Neighbors Saying Thank You
March 23, 2020 by Jim Lahn
Last year I gave a presentation on the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) at a meeting of the Central Minnesota Irrigator’s Corporation (CMIC). This meeting was held in Wadena, and the farmers in attendance utilize irrigation in their farming operations and come from the surrounding area.
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Clean water, crop yields benefit from local, science-based research
March 5, 2020 by EOT SWCD
PERHAM —When Mark Riestenberg installed an irrigator in 1995, he relied on a handful of soil and a look at what the neighbors were doing to decide when to turn it on.
Twenty-five years later, neighbors still rely on neighbors to determine when to irrigate. But now they’re watching Riestenberg and about 45 other farmers who work with East Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation District staff on a science-based approach to irrigation scheduling.
Read MoreCover Crop Grant Funding Now Available
February 23, 2020 by SWCD
Funding to help local producers plant cover crops is now available through the SWCD.
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Wayne Enger Farm Becomes Water Quality Certified
February 18, 2020 by MAWQCP
Wayne Enger, board member of the EOT SWCD, recently became a Water Quality Certified Farm through Minnesota's Ag Water Quality Certification Program.
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Bruce and Carol Albright Farm Becomes Water Quality Certified
October 31, 2019 by MAWQCP
Congratulations to Bruce and Carol Albright – their farm is now Water Quality Certified in Minnesota’s Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP)! The Albrights received their Water Quality Certified Farm sign on a snowy Friday in October.
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Greenwaldt Farms Become Water Quality Certified
September 20, 2019 by MAWQCP
Congratulations to Terry Greenwaldt and to his son, Jason Greenwaldt! Because of their decisions to practice conservation on their land, the Greenwaldt farms are now Water Quality Certified in Minnesota’s Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP).
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Blickenstaff Dairy Becomes Water Quality Certified
April 23, 2019 by MAWQCP
Bryce Blickenstaff’s farming operation is now Water Quality Certified! Bryce received his Water Quality Certified Farm sign on April 23, 2019.
Bryce’s farming operation is located north of New York Mills and involves corn, wheat, alfalfa, dairy cows, and turkey barns.
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EOT 2018 Conservationist of the Year, Andy Dombeck
January 7, 2019 by SWCD Staff
We are excited to formally congratulate Andy Dombeck for being our East Otter Tail Conservationist of the Year and the Area Conservationist of the Year for 2018! On his farm, Andy continues to experiment with techniques that build the soil health of his fields, which also helps protect the environment. He is a great example of a producer that conserves our natural resources while operating a successful farm.
Read MoreLocal father-son farmers get Water Quality Certified
November 6, 2018 by MAWQCP
Two new Water Quality Certified farms in Otter Tail County come from a family effort.
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