Eot Swcd

Clean water, crop yields benefit from local, science-based research
March 5, 2020 by EOT SWCD
PERHAM —When Mark Riestenberg installed an irrigator in 1995, he relied on a handful of soil and a look at what the neighbors were doing to decide when to turn it on.
Twenty-five years later, neighbors still rely on neighbors to determine when to irrigate. But now they’re watching Riestenberg and about 45 other farmers who work with East Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation District staff on a science-based approach to irrigation scheduling.
Read More2019 Ag in the Classroom
April 8, 2019 by EOT SWCD
This past Friday, the 3rd and 4th grade hallways at Heart of the Lakes Elementary School were abuzz with children laughing and imitating farm animals, with the occasional baa of an actual new lamb coming from one of the classrooms. Over the course of the morning at our Agriculture in the Classroom event, the students rotated through stations learning about the different aspects of farming in Otter Tail County, thanks to the efforts of local producers and natural resources staff who shared what a day of work looks like for them.
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Horticulture Day:Rain Gardens
March 22, 2019 by EOT SWCD
This past Saturday we were asked to present at the Horticulture Day in Perham put on by the East Otter Tail Master Gardeners.
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